missing the point?

September 27, 2006

After the remarks made by MM Lee, and the reactions from the Malaysian camp, someone wrote to the ST forum today, that he was appalled by our neighbours’ reactions, because what MM Lee spoke about was “right” (“MM Lee is right about the Chinese in Malaysia”).

The writer, a ‘former Malaysian and a Chinese’, proceeded to explain just how the statement by MM Lee was indeed accurate, taking pains to list examples of the bumiputra policy that was discriminatory towards the Chinese.

I have a feeling that most of us are aware of the bumiputra policy, and the fallout resulting from that. However, i wonder if the writer is missing the point.

Is the Malaysian dep. PM upset about what MM Lee said, or is he upset that MM Lee actually proclaimed it publicly?

Writing in to dispute the Malaysian claim that MM Lee’s statements were inaccurate seemed a little near-sighted (if i may say so) and perhaps a tad unneccessary.
That, to me, really misses the point.

6 Responses to “missing the point?”

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